At the end of the last month, I made a decision to partake in a vegan diet. This was a conscious decision to know and be very careful about what food I consume, in order to keep myself healthy. This is not about having a six pack, but rather about accounting to myself and ensuring that I keep myself in good shape.
I love myself enough to make better decisions for the future me. I will admit that I was also terrified when I read about how one of the most skilled rappers, Big Pun, died of a heart attack/failure at a very young age.
Pun was overweight and even after going to a food rehab, he went back to overeating after his return and his body succumbed at the age of 28.
This article, though, is not about food. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to go on and on about how beneficial it has been to trade meat for veggies. But with this piece, I want to encourage and also challenge you to make a decision and actually go for it. A decision on what, you ask? It’s simple; you and I know that there is something you have been meaning to do but ‘things’ kept getting in the way.
I had engaged a friend (the one who introduced me to veganism) about how she was doing it, a life without meat. What’s more surprising is that she’s Xhosa, and if there is one thing my people know, it’s plenty of meat (if you didn’t know, now you know).
I also did my own research after we spoke, but I just didn’t start. It wasn’t that I was not convinced, but I kept promising myself that I will start ‘tomorrow’. It wasn’t after I just woke up one day and I just started. I just did it, and I’ve been enjoying it ever since.
I’ll be the first to admit that we’re all ‘scaredy cats’. We fear failing, and what people will think. We are terrified of dogs, or at least we all should be! “Men’s best friends”, they say; well, the Spotis and Dangers from my childhood were not always jovial when they saw me. I digress, pardon me.
We are afraid of the uncertainty that comes with just doing it. It is very scary to not know what will become of us; to walk forward without any control.
Making a life changing decision is never easy, but it is indeed worth it. That’s a cliché, I know. But you know what else is a cliché? Standing at the same spot in your life and not changing yourself for the better.
Fear is a constant in life, but it can be overcome. Life’s thrills and procrastination are detrimental to growth. It’s important to keep in mind the magnitude of the decision you have to make, and also how big of a change it will bring. Most importantly, it is imperative to understand that making these decisions show that you actually give a something about your life.
We are all that we have, and this world doesn’t owe any of us anything. So, whatever life changing decision(s) you have to make - get to it! Right now! In fact, I’ll stop writing now because you’re completely zoned in on yourself and you’re about to change your life.