Stogie T was right, we are really living in the empire of sheep. We are such a passive people, that I sometimes wonder if there is anything powerful enough to interrupt the regular programming. I am bothered by the naivety of letting the insane be a part of our normal. What the hell am I on about? Well, allow me to shed a little light.
I remember walking to the store in the early days of the national lockdown, and being in awe at how clean my area was. I really had moments where I wondered if I was walking in the correct hood, or if I had daydreamt so much that I was sleepwalking in YoTV Land with Gundi and Mazwi (young ones, ask your elder siblings about this reference). If you live in Johannesburg, you will know exactly how surprising it is to see many parts of it clean. Thanks to most people being confined to their homes, littering was kept to a minimum.
I do not know how and why we (as a society) normalized throwing stuff on the grounds when dustbins were made to keep us from doing exactly that. What really irks my insides is when people litter while they are within a 3 – 4 metre distance of a dustbin. The environment is our most essential asset, and we degrade it the same way racists degrade the part of their brains where logic and reasoning should be.
How many times have you heard the “It’s always been like this” excuse? Complacency cannot continue to be the order of the day. If the way it has always been done is not working, then we cannot go on about our days normally. Take the taxi industry for example; an industry filled with room for growth and improvement, if only it weren’t for the “that’s how taxis/taxi drivers are”. Reckless driving, rudeness, unroadworthy taxis – all of these have given many people nightmare taxi rides, and we cannot accept them as normal.
Nasty and insensitive remarks about other people’s situations, sexual orientation and choices overall – that’s also not normal. No one owes us any explanations about their lives and choices, and personally I think it’s absolutely absurd to expect people to live through our definition of normal. Abuse of any kind should not be normalized. We can’t go on with life as though it is right to live life not eating avocado. Too far? Yep, that should strike some nerves.
Disrupt the status quo and destabilize the way things are. We only have one life to live, and the best thing we can do for ourselves (and also for the future generations) is to do the seemingly impossible and showcase the greatness we’re all born into.
Society is as toxic as it is because we accept things that we should not have been accepting. We’re living in a time where the mediocre is order of the day, and the exceptional is shunned. Be the outcast, there is absolutely no reward to being a part of team sheep. Wake up!