KwaThema Police warns and alerts the community of KwaThema and sorrounding areas of a black VW Golf GTI vehicle committing horrific crimes in the area.
This comes after police received reports from victims aged between 15 and 18 years who survived the ordeal at the hands of these alleged perpetrators.
The suspects are allegedly two African males in their mid 30s driving a black VW Golf who target and lure young girls by pretending to be lost and looking for directions.
Once the victims get closer they pounce on them at gunpoint and force them inside the vehicle, tie them up, cover their faces, drug and rape them and then leave them helpless in open velds.
Police urge young girls to be vigilant and alert at all times and refrain from talking to strangers. Should they be in imminent danger, they should scream for help or run to the nearest place of safety and call the police.
Community is further made aware that should one fall victim to sexual assault, preserving DNA is vital to the investigation and may lead to the arrest and prosecution of sexual predators.
Kwa-Thema Police spokesperson Sergeant Media Khoza says they cannot confirm how long this has been going on, however there has been only two reported cases thus far amid the Covid-19 pandemic.
During the initial period of the nationwide lockdown, Minister in the Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, warned family members, parents and caregivers to ensure that children were properly cared for and not left unattended during the lockdown.
“Since the national disaster was declared, government has put in place a range of regulations and directives.” articulated Nkoana-Mashabane.
Khoza says that investigations are currently underway and any person who may have information can contact the nearest Police Station via the Crime Stop number 08600 10 111 or by making use of MySAPS APP.